
CLUBvCARD connects you with the rest of the world, lets you promote goods and services, tells the world that you belong to a volunteer service organization and you help communities while doing business.

Designed with latest technologies to customize user content and maintain user's privacy. At present, user registration is restricted to members of selected service organizations only.

We provide online templates and tools to create a personal vcard for registered users. A registered user has the option to create a unique URL ( Uniform Resource Locator ) using the nickname, first name, family name or full name depending on availability.

A unique personal vcard displays personal contact details including photographs, links to other social, personal or public websites, images of products, description of services, testimonials, working hours, location information on online map, downloadable links for vCard ( virtual contact file ) and QR code. Additionally, certain services may allow the user to engage with the end users of the personal vcard through booking online appointments, sending messages or capturing leads.